Build Your Own Yoga Routine App Like Asana Rebel

Yoga is a highly popular form of exercise and relaxation, with millions of people practicing it around the world. If you an appreneur, this blog will help you build your own Yoga routine app. As the world becomes more digital, many people are turning to yoga apps or apps like Asana Rebel for their practice. 

Asana Rebel app is one such app that has gained immense popularity in recent years. If you’re thinking of building a yoga app like Asana Rebel, there are a few things you need to consider. 

Yoga is becoming an increasingly popular way to stay fit and healthy, and the use of mobile apps for yoga practice is growing rapidly.  Yoga augmented reality has become a trend as well. 

Asana Rebel app is one such popular yoga app that offers interactive classes, personalized coaching, and a wide range of yoga routines. Here are some of the statistics you might want to consider if you want to build your own Yoga routine app:

There are 300 billion people on the planet who practice some type of modern yoga as part of their daily routine. Health and exercise apps are expected to have 86.3 million users in the United States by 2022.

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In this blog, we’ll discuss the key features of Asana Rebel, the technology behind it, Asana Rebel cost, and the steps you can take to build your own yoga routine app.

Understanding Asana Rebel Cost

Asana Rebel is a mobile app that offers a variety of yoga classes and routines for users to practice at home or on the go. Asana Rebel app offers personalized coaching, allowing users to set goals and receive guidance based on their fitness level, preferences, and progress. 

Understanding Asana Yoga app review and the cost of Asana Rebel app will give you enough information to build your own yoga routine app.

These are different Asana Rebel price based on the subscriptions. However, let’s look at some of the key features of Asana Rebel include:

  • Interactive classes: Asana Rebel offers interactive classes that allow users to follow along with a virtual instructor and receive real-time feedback on their posture and alignment.
  • Personalization: The app offers personalized coaching, allowing users to set goals and receive guidance based on their fitness level, preferences, and progress.
  • Social sharing: Asana Rebel allows users to share their progress, routines, and achievements on social media platforms, creating a sense of community and motivation.
  • Variety of yoga routines: The app offers a wide range of yoga routines, including strength-building, cardio, and flexibility-based routines, catering to the diverse needs and goals of users. 

The Technology behind Asana Rebel

To build your own yoga routine app like Asana Rebel, you need to understand the technology behind it and the Asana Rebel cost or price. Some of the key technologies used in Asana Rebel app include:

  • Mobile app development: Asana Rebel is a mobile app that runs on iOS and Android devices. To build a yoga app like Asana Rebel, you need to have expertise in mobile app development, including front-end development, back-end development, and database design.
  • Cloud technology: Asana Rebel uses cloud technology to store and manage user data and content. Cloud technology allows for scalability, reliability, and accessibility, ensuring that the app can handle a large user base and provide a seamless experience.
  • AI and machine learning: Asana Rebel uses AI and machine learning to provide personalized coaching and recommendations based on user data. These technologies can analyze user data and provide recommendations based on their fitness level, goals, and preferences.

Now that you understand the key features and technology behind Asana Rebel, let’s look at the steps involved to build your own yoga routine apps like Asana Rebel.

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Steps to Build your own Yoga Routine App like Asana Rebel

To build your own yoga routine app like Asana Rebel requires a well-planned strategy and a team of skilled developers. Here are the steps you can take to build your own yoga app:

Step 1: Define your target audience

Before you start to build your own yoga routine app like Asana Rebel, you need to define your target audience. 

Who are the people you’re building the app for? What are their goals and preferences? Defining your target audience will help you design your app to meet their needs.

Step 2: Choose your app features

Based on your target audience, you need to choose the features you want to include in your app. Consider the features that Asana Rebel offers and identify the ones that will be relevant for your target audience.

Step 3: Develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

To test your app’s viability, you need to develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). An MVP is a simplified version of your app that includes only the essential features based on which Asana Rebel cost is also dependent. It allows you to test your app’s usability and get feedback from users.

Step 4: Design and Develop your app

Once you’ve tested your MVP, it’s time to design and develop your app. You need to have a team of skilled developers who can work on different aspects of the app, such as front-end development, back-end development, and database design. Asana Rebel cost also depends on the designs that are user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing to attract users.

Step 5: Integrate AI and Machine Learning

To provide a personalized experience to your users, you need to integrate AI and machine learning into your app. Asana Rebel cost depends on these technologies that can analyze user data and provide recommendations based on their fitness level, goals, and preferences.

Step 6: Test and Refine your app

After you build your own Yoga routine app, you need to test it thoroughly to identify any bugs or issues. You can use beta testing to get feedback from users and refine your app based on their feedback. 

Testing and refinement are critical to ensure that your app is user-friendly and provides a seamless experience. Asana Rebel’s cost reflects the refined features and experiences it provides to its users.

Step 7: Launch and Market your app

Once you’ve tested and refined your app, it’s time to launch it on the app store. You need to have a marketing strategy in place to promote your app and attract users.

Asana Rebel cost also ensures to touch up the markup due to the demand in the market. Social media platforms, influencer marketing, and paid advertising are some effective marketing channels for app promotion.

Step 8: Maintain and Update your app

After launching your app, you need to maintain it regularly and update it with new features and improvements. 

App maintenance includes bug fixes, security updates, and server maintenance. Updating your app with new features and content can keep your users engaged and attract new users. Asana Rebel cost also depends heavily on the kind of features it has.

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Features of How to Build Your Own Yoga Routine App

Practitioner/Student Panel


It enables the user to establish an account by filling out a profile with basic information such as name, age, and email address. Users can sign in using their email addresses or social media profiles.

Yoga Sessions or Classes

This feature enables the user to discover the various kinds of yoga classes available and to select them based on type, ratings, reviews, duration, and level of expertise.

Organize Events

This section displays information about all forthcoming yoga events and yoga classes that have been pre-booked.

Buy Event Tickets

This section will list upcoming yoga events, and the user can choose to join the event by purchasing a ticket and paying using various payment methods.

Yoga e-store

The user will find a variety of yoga-related goods and accessories such as yoga mats, yoga towels, belts, and so on. This e-store allows users to purchase goods from various categories and subcategories.

Blogs and Listicles

Users can read blog posts about different types of yoga, how-to guides, the latest news, and yoga trends.

Notifications via Push

Students and users will receive notifications about yoga training sessions, booking confirmations, updates, new yoga courses, and so on.

Profile Administration

The user will find all of the basic information, past and current bookings, items purchased, tickets, and other helpful information in this area.


This enables yoga instructors to establish an account by entering a few basic details such as name, age, certifications, basic contact information, and a brief introduction. Account creation can be completed with the user’s email id or via social media.


Yoga instructors can build and schedule training sessions here. They must provide event information and then publicize it so that yoga practitioners can book event tickets.

Management of offers

Yoga teachers can make offers, deals, and discounts in this section for students to take advantage of.

Payment administration

This enables instructors to confirm which of their yoga events and classes have been paid for and which are still awaiting payment.

Yoga Session/Class Administration

This tool assists yoga instructors in managing their scheduled classes. They can reschedule or cancel courses if they are unavailable.

Publication of Training Programs

Based on their skill level and expertise, teachers can develop and publish specialized training programs for yoga students here.

Teacher’s Panel

Substitute Teacher

If a teacher is unable to attend a yoga training class or session, they can suggest that other teachers attend the yoga class in their place via notifications.

Management of Replacements

This feature assists yoga instructors in locating the best substitute teacher for a particular yoga class or training session. You can use it to sort and locate teachers based on their yoga style, date, time, and availability.

Profile Administration

Teachers can add personal information, contact information, education details, yoga certifications, and other information for users to discover.

Push Notifications

Teachers will receive notifications about booking and payments for their yoga classes, canceled sessions, user inquiries, and ratings and reviews.

Super Admin Panel


Yoga Mobile App Admins can register using secure credentials or 2-factor authentication.


The admin dashboard gives them a visual interface for managing users, yoga instructors, payments, events, and event organizers.

Admins can oversee yoga students, teachers, and event organizers. They can keep track of their behavior and edit/delete/deactivate/ban their account as needed.

Session Administration

All training sessions, yoga courses, and events organized by event organizers can be managed and monitored by admins.

Payment Administration

All monetary operations will be handled by the administrator. All purchases will be viewable and manageable by admin. All payment records will be accessible in history as well.

Management of Categories

For better administration of yoga classes and events, the administrator can create/edit/delete/modify a category.

Management of Offers

The admin can handle all of the offers made available by yoga instructors and event organizers, as well as extend or suspend them based on user interaction and demand.

Event Administration

All activities can be monitored and managed by the super admin. They can make changes, edit, and alter the schedule of an event based on the needs of the end user.

Ticket Administration

Admin will be able to manage the various kinds of tickets available for purchase and keep track of the number of tickets sold for various yoga events.

Manage your Yoga e-Store

The admins can directly manage the inventory of products offered, sales of items, or any payments being made, and track the shipment of products. Furthermore, admins can also choose to add or delete products. They can also make a change in the price ranges and offers being discounted on certain products.

Content/Blog Administration

The admin can manage each item of content or blog. Admin has the ability to edit/modify/delete any blog post made by yoga teachers and event organizers in accordance with the app and user requirements.

Substitution Administration

Admins will be able to handle substitution yoga teachers and view a list of yoga teachers who have previously served as substitute teachers.

Management of Reports

This part is critical because it enables administrators to produce custom reports on the number of new users acquired, traffic, income generated, user behavior, payments, and many other key performance indicators of the yoga mobile app.

Tips for Success to Build Your Own Yoga Routine App like Asana Rebel

Here are some tips that can help you build your own yoga routine app:

  1. Identify your target audience: Understanding your target audience is critical for developing content, features, and marketing strategies that resonate with them. You need to consider factors such as age, gender, location, yoga experience, and fitness goals to create a personalized and engaging experience for your users.
  2. Offer unique features: To stand out from the competition, you need to offer unique features that are not available in other yoga apps. This could include things like personalized coaching, customized routines, social sharing, progress tracking, or meditation exercises.
  3. Ensure high-quality content: The quality of your yoga routines and videos can make or break your app’s success. You need to ensure that your content is accurate, safe, and effective, and that it meets the needs and preferences of your target audience.
  4. Create an intuitive user interface: Your app’s user interface should be easy to use and navigate, even for beginners. You need to ensure that users can easily find the routines and features they need, and that the app provides clear and concise instructions and feedback.
  5. Leverage social media: Social media can be a powerful tool for promoting your app and engaging with your audience. You should consider creating a social media presence for your app and regularly sharing content, updates, and user testimonials to build brand awareness and trust.
  6. Listen to user feedback: User feedback can provide valuable insights into how you can improve your app and better serve your audience. You should regularly solicit feedback from your users and use it to make updates and improvements to your app over time.

Cost to Build Your Own Yoga Routine App – Asana Rebel Cost of Development

When it comes to Yoga app development costs, the most essential factors to consider are the location of the development partner, the platform of choice (iOS or Android), functionalities, features, UX & UI design, and so on. Taking everything into account, an approximate estimate for MVP App would be between $15,000 and $35,000 USD.

However, if you want to create a yoga mobile app with sophisticated features like live yoga session streaming, Yoga VOD streaming, Event Creation, eStore enablement, Ticket Booking, and so on, the development cost of your yoga app will likely range between $75000 and $200000.

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Final Thoughts

To build your own yoga app like Asana Rebel can be a complex and challenging process, but it can also be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Asana Rebel cost also depends on the features it has and the user experience it provides.

By following the steps outlined in this guide and leveraging the tips and best practices we have shared, you can create an app that provides real value to your users and helps them achieve their health and fitness goals. 

Personalization, interactive classes, social sharing, mobile app development, AI and machine learning, and cloud technology are some essential aspects to consider when you build your own yoga routine app. 

To build your own yoga routine app requires a well-planned strategy and a team of skilled developers. We at Resourcifi are committed to creating innovative digital solutions for fitness and wellness

With the right approach and expertise, just like Asana Rebel cost, you can build a successful yoga app that meets the needs of your target audience and profitability.

Contact us now to get a cost estimate on fitness app development and build your own Yoga routine app with us right away!